Monday, April 16, 2007

Reduce and Monitor Your High Blood Pressure

There are many medications available that reduce high blood pressure but did you know that breathing exercises will lower your blood pressure as well?

Therapeutic breathing, breathing slowly and deeply, helps to reduce high blood pressure. Performing this exercise while listening to soft, soothing music, is a natural way to reduce high blood pressure.

Breathing slowly and deeply relaxes muscle tension. When muscles are less tense in the chest area, constricted blood vessels become less so. With pressure relieved from the heart, blood pressure is reduced. Nearly everyone responds to this natural, physiological method of lowering blood pressure.

Additionally, physicians at the National Institute of Health believe that an even more important effect of slow breathing on blood pressure is the breaking down of salt in the body. In this way, therapeutic breathing acts much like a diuretic, but without the side effects.

It should come as no surprise that breathing slowly has such a positive impact on blood pressure. After all, we are often told to "take a deep breath" in times of panic or stress. Only recently, however, has clinical proof been made available. Now, it has become obvious to doctors and patients alike that breathing slowly and deeply calms the heart.

Measuring your blood pressure at home and keeping a record of the measurements will show you and your doctor how much your blood pressure changes during the day. Your doctor can use the measurements to see how well your medicine is working to control your high blood pressure. Also, measuring your own blood pressure is a good way to take part in managing your health.

The Best Blood Pressure Monitor.

In tests conducted by the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute, this blood pressure monitor was rated the best because it was the most accurate of all the units examined. It uses a methodology recommended by the American Heart Association; it takes three consecutive blood pressure readings and averages the results for diastolic and systolic readings that have a rate of accuracy comparable to the mercurial sphygmomanometer used by medical professionals. A dot matrix LCD has onscreen instructions, the cuff inflates and deflates automatically, and the device can be used in five languages. Includes internal memory capable of storing 30 readings for two people (60 total), travel case, USB cable, and PC-compatible software (Windows 98 SE, 2000, and XP) that automatically charts your blood pressure results. Includes three AAA batteries. Unit fits wrist circumference of 5 1/3" to 7 2/3".

The Best Blood Pressure Monitor.

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